I have perpetually had a group of boyfriends in the closest friendships a girl could ever hope for kinda way. But never boyfriends in the lovey dovey head over heels kinda way. I had a conversation with some women my age who seem to think this is very strange. I've never thought it to be strange but the jist of the conversation was how am I suppose to find a man if I have all these guys that are friends around. One woman flat out told me she didn't think it was normal or healthy for me to just be waiting for the perfect relationship. What I should be doing is shopping around that's what dating is for. I had my rebuttals and asked them about all the guys that they've randomly hooked up with that left them broken hearted. What kind of sense does that make??? Let me tell you this didn't help my case. To them it's experience for the next guy and i obviously must be hiding from rejection.
So this got me to thinking....What kind of sense does that make??? Hook up with as many random guys to gain experience for the next one till you find the man your suppose to marry. Or be a serial monogamous with guys you know its not gonna last with but hey it was "experience". In my world that seems a little strange. I was taught to wait for the man to find me by biblical standards that's what your suppose to do. But try explaining that to a group of 20 something women.
It's not that I am waiting for the perfect man. That's not the case at all, I know their is no perfect man walking this earth. I just want someone that from day one although he may find me sexually attractive would be mentally attracted to me as well. I've come to realize I don't need a man in my life to tell me I'm pretty. My daddy told me everyday I was growing up till now. No! what I need is a strong man to have fun with. Someone who will cherish me as much as I'm going to cherish him. Someone that loves me in spite of my wrongs and will be willing to stick it out when I'm acting like a brat. Someone to lead me I won't mind following his decisions. Oh the list goes on....
If this makes me old fashion then so be it. Four of the most important women in my life three of which have be married at least 20 years. Have all told me there stories on how their marriages came to be. In all four cases all four women weren't even looking for a relationship. All for various reasons but still they weren't looking. Shoot they didn't even like their husbands at first meeting. But in the end they all have these great lasting relationships that haven't damaged them but help make them stronger. They are all truly with the mate God had for them. Looking at them helps my patients grow.
Bottom line I don't think I will start dating for "experience" no matter what my girlfriends say. I think the man that's for me will appreciate the fact I didn't shop around. And hey if that makes me a bit odd then so be....I'm just going to continue being me...
You being you is a great thing... I think you're gaining experience by learning about men from your friends. The experience they speak of is the same only with sex involved. You're getting the best of garnering the experience without sleeping from pillar to post and the emotional baggage...
Mind you I've a biased opinion because I've got a similar situation with several platonic female friends
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